Tuesday, 2 April 2024

The Kurds in the Underground

 to be honest, I have no idea about your streets. The real Black Panthers of Berlin, in opposite to the media freaks lately, did make no difference between Turks and Kurds as much as Istanbuhl does not.
The Kurds here are Street as much as all others.
Kurds do have an Underground part, but that is connected to the Kurdish para-military forces in The Middle East and, if they have troops here, well, the whole point about the Underground thing is you ain seeing it until it comes onto the street snd in your face. Right BKA Officer handicaped in door handle use? Still waiting here for the platoon coming, motherfucker.
The Kurdish para-military does not even have Turky as an enemy or the Turkish Military, if you understand that Istabuhl for years had a Kurdish major and a very strong Kurdish prospering community.
Media tells you bullshit, like IRA and Loyalists is a religous conflict. It is about their human right to prosper.
The Kurdish para-military operating in the Underground will be gathering information against Boskurts Heroin smuggling operations traspassing Kurdistan. They will recon free routes bypassing any boarder control deviding their homeland to be just not annoyed, avoid tribute called import and export tax or smuggle weapons. They will look for fashists wihtin the Turkish society calling for hurrassing their coltoure.
Underground operations are like the movies and video games about the CIA Clandestine Departement, just Delta Force Veteranse get a recomondation with the big tech companies, if they just call themselfes Navy Seals. 
And someone in the BKA with Hells Angels contacts managed to fuck with an IRA Provos Knight recoding my home alone singing and you all know him. Tom. Just I have no clue who that fuck is. Soon, you will have dead Police around, if you don't comply, listening anyway being fucked that I was not that all honest with your Crew.
#undergroundwars #gfyBKA.
PS; The Dwarf Pygmen KingPin is LandLord Lord in London?!? The cheapest lease around....puh...