Sunday 28 April 2024

The little chance

 of turning this into an Underground war by this example illustrated. Imagine a CoD Crew hits these streets as in the Amsterdam mission or James Bond gos ballistic with his ride and toys instead of going for ther John Wick shoot out in the Airport like hallway.
And that is the Problem.
The Underground war of the 90ies inbetween us Provos and the CIA Narco Devision was almost entierly off The Germans and all their administration explaining their current onging ego problem accepting their real status in my current dispute with them. Germans either create war crimes against innnocet civilians abroad, mess up streets as toxic thugs or play PsyOps tricks. In proper Underground wars they are bystanders or victims as the SoA Club selling guns to CIA officers that build the Real IRA and turned enemy of all Provitional, Continuity and Provos IRA. These TV series is based on real events, but placed into the USA by the CIA Artefact Devision. That's basically the MTV Crew.
In an Underground war there are two basic strategies in areas like the super bussy Seoul night life districts. They get bombed or ganged out.
Bombs are placed in a rucksack and go off to cauase mayham and destroy the life their. Ganged out means that Hollywood like Crews as such in the Equalizer start taking over the venues and push drugs into the area to cause an even greater damange to society.
The letter can quickly get beyond normal Policing work and even stress interior Secret Service limits. An area under the control of Toxic Gangs does not have to turn Mexico and most of the action can happen off the sight and hear of the party crowed. 
The attecking teams identify club owners and other important figures of the night life to hurrass them and take their venues slowly chaning the climate and therefore the climate of the society on also Mon to Fri. 
A counter attack can well mean to identify the passive aggressive intoxicated Gs and hit them rather silently based on the idea: They all need a loo at some point, as in Fight Club.
Germany and the BKA refuse to put our dispute over them covering crimes against me into the underground believing an open armed conflict would be their better option. 
But thats the Germans....
NATO and the West have accepted the Jew murderes for way too long in charge of their own affairs which they used to continue their crimes against humanity based on their ideology of being superior by just playing nice instead of openly wearing SS uniforms as if anyone dealing with them would accept a quick end of the current war.
While the Germans and also CIA are no good players in a proper Undergroundwar and I am sure we might have soon a militant exchange here inbetween BKA forces and me, AntiFa becoming violant as soon as the AfD should become part of the Governement and the current drug wave escalating in BKA and LKA getting a lession of their status by the new kids on the block, the Russians might still consider taking on the EU by classic military means.
But than, if BKA should continue to cover their crimes and we go for violance over them paying back the copy right theft and psychological torture and hurrasssment, the shock of vioalance created will give quite some space for new tactics even so in a new form of warfare for also the FSB, but in a full scale escalated drug using society by the absence of most Police after a few months of active hunt based on Pablos headmoney against Bogota Police just by a trained KnightTheive that ain no joke no more.
....and plenty of Hollywood movies until we collect dues in the Hills from their Confed Ex Pimps...