Tuesday 30 April 2024

The poor men's bike place

 in areas of the King of the North, les Banlieu or any other fucked up area is only a discounter pile of trash even so all it would need was a Crew getting into bike builds, which is not that easy but managable, and an internet connection to combine discounted parts, used parts and imports with a Cyberpunk attatude.
That way they create small series of individual builds and with a well maintained database they easily should be able to stop and have some tears run depending on the attitude of owning and possessing in the hood they are bussy in.
...way easer as my mission here...but pretty much the same way. You ain getting rich, but bullying bullys is fun after all.

#gfyBKA #gfyCIA

PROVOS is MODernist in millitant.