Monday 22 April 2024

The President and the Nuclear War

Legally, the President of the United Sates of America can order a nuclear strike by an Executive Order, but technically he has one of three keys and needs therefore two Generals that with him simultainiously switch those in the suitecases stored in the White House. That does not trigger a launch, but triggers Defcon levels to change into active nuclear war. All nuclear bases get activated and into ready to strike positions. Nuclear Missiles in Bunkers and on large Wheel Tanks, Air Force Bombers and Fighters get loaded with Nuclear Bombs, Submarines and Destroyers get into defined strike positions.

We all die as soon as the strike procedures get executed. Granted. 0% survial chance for life even if the planet should not crack by the explosions due the readiation shock of only the U.S. Arsenal alone. But, the Russians and British will shoot also, while only the French have rocket systems reaching no furher than Germany being only activated, if the Russians should cross the Rhine.

So again you mighty of this world. ARE YOU GONE STUPID???