Friday, 19 April 2024

The West missing the point - An applied example

 Hong Kong is no Dubai Mall. Despite all struggle with against the Communist Party or maybe that old Ninja Hole of a Dutchessy against Pekings Administrative nightmares shopping is not what the Bay got famous for. 
In the past it was the forigners entry way into China and therefore a Cony Island just in big combined with the most important long distance trade port like Rotterdam and since the British exclave status it turned into one of the big three financial hubs.
If you need big money financing anywhere in Asia from the Far East down to Oceania or even India and Africa, Hong Kong is the place to look for millions and billions in cash.
That does not change. That gets bigger.
In a financial center the stock value of the listed companies is not important, because the stock market is not the core business. Only New York out of the three finance centres has also a world wide important stock market. Both London and Honk Kong are important by financing other companies by loans and investements and providing financial services such as bank accounts, currency transactions and exchanges, insurence brokers, book making services and business consultancy services. All of which only inderectly are represented on the local stock market and are kept rather confidential.
The strategy of videos like that are sadly a European reality as much as the all passive aggressive medicated arrogance ruling against our values having turned Europe from a sloughter house to a copy of the Mayan Slave Empire in closed boarders all against everyone with the bests to be sacreficed as the enemy of the state Nr 1.

Time to go for war. Again...