Germany, and the two BKA corrupts coming to my courtyard, until here only knew these kind of Gangsters. Shooting a traitor in a Pub or Sisha Bar and taking down rivals in a drive by ambush is usuially called Hollywood movies by the all to confident for their own good German Police.
This G and his toxic G brothers started as all others in a national youthcenter. The G Rap Gang mentioned in the report even named itself like their first homebase. But, these spots are all part of the German GeStaPo surveillance system called BKA StaatsSchutz of which little is known in opposite to the Sowjet copy StaSi in East Germany, meaning these junkies were early put onto their path to secure the dirty labour parts for the Holcaust money spending rich Germans, pretty much like those taking the orders in the McDonalds drive through...
Underground Armys like the IRA Provos do not shoot anyone in a Shisha Bar. We either blow up the entire place or have enough patience to wait until the guy steps out of the place and walks off.
It makes more sense to follow for some time an enemy Gang to take out the entire group by an IED or room clearing run through their homebase in one go or one by one over several days.
And we do not mind at all to take on Law Enforcement directly, especially if they are a SS follow up organisation standing even above their own laws.
Just learn about the Irish Troubles or how the Medilline Cartel fought against the CIA and tell your local Polizei and BKA Agent that arrogance is deadly in this to them so unexpected New World Order in which toxic Gs like that fella are no more than male bitches.