Wednesday, 17 April 2024


This guy made it to a major wine cellar. In most luxerous housing videos the obligatory wine cellar is still empty, while this guy should open up a wine shop.
There is a tiny bit of a problem with those several hundred thousand in wine, so. You actually have to drink them within two to five years after being bottled, but everybody denies that fact.
Red wine can last longer than White wine, but still has limits.
Wine is created by a fermenting process. It is not that different from beer in chemical terms. Whiskeys and Rum are all distilled. Port Wine was made to have longer lasting wine, but the taste changes a lot. IPA is the beer version of Port Wine and was made to be able to trade beer inbetween India and Europe by the East India Company.
When Wine is bottled the fermenting process just slowes down, but does not stop. Than, most wines use natural corks that do need to get exchanged regularley depending on the quality and foam corks are these days the better option. A stored wine bottle should be stored horizontally, not because of the air sruface always remaining in the bottle, but to be able to rotate them. Red Wine has these little bad rests and its about them being in the bottle and not being able to rest. I'd need to google the name of them.
Than the temperature is extremly important to slow down the fermenting process even more increasing maximum storage time a bit more.
Most fine wining magazines come with drink now lists of popular wines indicating which wines should be drank after how many years of resting.
Having a large wine cellar does make sence, when you have a good restaurant, exclusive club, exquisite music bar or are a wine dealer even just as a hobbiest. But colleting, you wanna remain on all distilled, except you have a lot of time to rotate bottles, create lists of when to drink and reorganice them for your parties, and change corks regularely.
I am sure this guy went into collecting wine, without studying wining, but because of the pleauser of owning. Going one day through a dozent of jewels that turned all bad...will be a realy horrible evening, sadly. Many of the Nuveau Rich like to stare at the expensive staff they own and actually consume the cheap staff, like the Watch collector using his mobile to check time.