Thursday 25 April 2024

You never know when it will end

is bluntly stupid and wrong. Most life spans and causes of sudden death are predictable. You will die using drugs. If you visit the doctor that will give you drugs you know that you will die. Depending on the amount of drugs and quality of drugs in relation to your physical condition certain death comes quicker or later than having a life in no need of drugs. If you keep crashing your car, you most likely one day will manage a fatal crash. If you keep ignoring the actions of others in traffic most likley one will kill you. Depending on how hard you crash your car and how often or how badly you ignore others in traffic the quicker you will die. If you do dangerous things from changing a lightbulb in the office by putting the office chair with wheels on the table even so locking the wheels with a pencil knowing that you are a clumsy motherfucker whoms Ninjitsu medal is fake....
do I have to continue, Brain?
PS: The only position saver than far away from you Brain is behind you so I can see what you are doing....
#StopGermanisation #besmartandloving