Saturday 4 May 2024

Another level needed

 This is called the Underworld by the BKA ruling the drug market. Actually, this guy is The Streets. His job is litterly standing on the street at the entrance and ruling who gets in or who needs to leave. The manager of the venue is already The Floors and this place is where the successful of both worlds meet.
BKA will not allow outsiders without a fight to take these high revenue places off their rule and charge tax on especially the drug turnover.
These places are not build to hold against a hord of Police enforcers that after their first Razzia do have all ID and address data of employees and guests to further enforce their taxing without even stressing covered surveillance officers as needed in most forigne places using cameras and photos. Germany has an address registry introduced during Nazi rule that the SS in their new German Democratic uniforms kept in place.

A Police attack would be done by the lower ranks in riot gear coming in a set of vans. If those should be sick, injured ot refuse order BKA has their own forces to enforce their rule. Until here SEKs never were used and there were no shoot outs ever.
Germany does not know Underworld actions or any form of Gang Army or Terrorist Gangs at all.

Many of these Bouncers as this guy in the vid do not even have Rocker Club membership or are part of any comperable organisation. If any group of any like him, that we would call a clique, turn gang or crew they would need allowance by BKA in form of their agents in Rocker or Clan membership. Without being eiher directly also in Police service or having backing noone can openly show any form of street organisation.

If I was not an OMG, but had a Crew, I would show up in company at the door with one man on each side to stress the doormen to call their outside backup. The BKA or local Police Gang. Upon arrival of the backup they get shot and tone to the doormen changes giving them short phrased clear instructions with clear punishement perspectives that they will have to repeat verbaly to confirm they understood the message.
But against their egos mind set and expectations, guys like me do not intend to get in or take over venues as those at all. This a lions world and we have no place there. We punish sinners, The rats among them...
