Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Applied mechanics Cyberpunk style

 So, you got it all done. She can breath fine past the airfilter, the fuse lets all electricity through, the oil is fresh and clean with a fine filter, ethanol in the tank, but that ain no option....in your borrow or on that trip

Well, instead of a proper gasoxid extraction pipe, you can use the laws of dynamics. All liquids and also gases flow faster, if they circulate along their stream axe. You can achive that mechanically by putting a stream guiding fixed metal thingy into the pipe creating a rotating gas stream or, hence you are already screwing the laws of National order, you go for the simpliest of all turbos which is a fan with some electric power on its e-motor on the intake that has a nice little pass to the exhaust pushing pressed air into the exhaust. It might cause a pitchy sound and you want to have the rotor go faster with the turns by mounting that emotor regulator to the gas bar, somehow..