Thursday, 30 May 2024

Economic change

The US economy slows down. But those out of the normal elite schools won't understand what really happens, because this time is no known scenario. 
All Ivory League schools only teach about acting within an economic system that only exists since earliest the beginning of the 19th century. 
So, the US is facing less construction work and less consumer spending.
In my Templer Economy School this is good, because it means all Real Estate was solid build and stands the test of time. Also, all households have satisfied their needs on desirable products and life is good. 
Actually, this would be a time to build places to meet, come together, to play, practice and exchange, to study and enjoy, to create and design in order to create new products triggering another cycle of consumer spending and new real estate. 

Instead we have a bookshelf of unpunished criminals above and among us....

This is the ending of the Dark Modern Times.