Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Joe & Jim

Yes, we can help. First we hook him up on Weed and kill his E supplier. 
Based on the revenue by the suppliers savings and belongings all your lessions are full payed...
...And we will have a happy TussyInc bombshell sexbomb preditor to feast among high profile managers in about a year.
Only Weed? Is that not to weak?
Turns out no. They are in no way used to Dutch Finest Cup Winners. The stuff he knows is not sold in the Netherlands at all. It is considered CBD weed there.
So, what will happen to him?
He'll jerk a lot on free Pornhub, but without bothering you and apply for social money at some point. That's when we let him off the hook.
By than you are learning the map of Monaco and have a London banker on the leash.
If not, we share the durg money from his E supply with you, fifty fifty.
AAAAhhhhh. SOOOO Lets do it!