Sunday, 26 May 2024

Latest predictions

Out of pure arrogance and a broken racist ego TheGermans appear to be willing to pay only in blood incapable of admitting I was a bad choice for corrupt ex-SS families to steal from. As predictable stupids they always were. 
Your death will be my pleasure. 
They also might drop even the bad Kraut Weed versions they sold until here and go all chemical. 
Therefore, I recommend to mes compadres to widen the spectrum of synthetic choices in especially all colourful Smarties shape and secure stakes in a major German pharmaceutical real estate considering the high quality and available product range to add micros, teile, benzos, downers and even high dosed prescription pain killers off opioids to the portfolio. 
The local Big Guys react on violence and fear by loyalty, doubtful loyalty, but predictable loyalty. 
#gangwars #itoldyou #youshouldnthave