I also happen to believe that the Germans don't understand Abnutzungskrieg properly.
A war of destruction aims to wear off the enemies resources. That means the actual focus is on destroying material and facilities needed to operate a nation.
This war is also a war of systems. Reform socialists against fascist capitalists.
The West still exists despite its all abusive lifestyle by drug use and latest battery cars causing millions of dead Latinos, Africans and even more displaced persons not only, because most give a shit, but because too many support this post-nazi system.
I am trying to tell you that they want to kill as many warriors as possible by the cheapest means.
There will be another fase after The West ran out of warriors in which The West will face a terror wave called assassination war against those giving orders and their willing followers within the economy, juridical system and law enforcement which for everybody's sake comes without artillery support to occupy territory, but based on intelligence work.
The very same Germans and Confederates that stolen music and skateboarding videos from GIs and me are also target of the Russians. I just happen to believe that the FSB is better suited than the Russian Artillery.