Saturday 22 June 2024

Calculatable calculations

I would not be too confident in down playing Russian resources
This is because war is very calculatable. Success in especially war depends on the ability to calculate precisly all aspects from the enemy to internal affairs. 
Even kill and loss rates can be quite precisly estimated, if the leadership has access to a good military administration.

The West failed to understand when one of its most prominent foreheads whoms entire wealth is based on understanding future developments such as the IBM compatible computer taking down Home Computers warns with good arguments that an epidemic was possible while the Russians still have an armada of Soviet administration economic planning engineers around. 
There is a good chance they fucking exactly know what they are doing based on planning a war economicly. 
PS: They don' know underground wars planning 
We do. We provos. We are Americas enemy number one, knowbody knows. So Germans, get a briefing in Langley on how badly we can kick balls being mad about someone and understand on our turff it kicks of as a draw between you and The Russians.
Still, stay out of our borrows and trasspass in peace. Our you get fucked like the Germans being welcomed to the House of Pain like CIA Narco Decision in the 90ies.
They all died. Hollywood style... 