Thursday 27 June 2024

Decadency and Ignorance

So, Crypto can get you rich as a Day Trader, because nothing is as volatile and fast having low cost access platforms. 
A Binance account needs some patience and a Bloomberg Terminal 20.000 Dollars per month. 
Crypto exchanges are real, stock trading apps are fake abusing the small print trick. 
These guys fake it, because it still needs a boom in the Crypto market for a shark game killing each other as not even Investment Brokers do anymore right now. The stocks are all overpriced, while Crypto is still a Casino on Texas Hold'em. 
Five Cards Draw remains illegal....anyway. 

Fakers are easily found. What do you think how, let's call him Arnault the Hard Worker, would do vacation in Monaco and Dubai? 
They do all the same everywhere, the fakers. 
Arnault HW, not a physical guy but a killer, made it and came to stay from a backround that was. Not always, but for a long time. The Arnaults understand survival of the fittest, how much luck they had and what to talk and not to talk about. 

In Monaco he drives in, driving himself, stops at a Grand Luxe Hotel and trusts the Concierge. He has tables booked and a schedule for the week. He'll sleep in, uses the Hotel Spa, enjoys the big breakfast and inhales the luxurious surrounding to have a walk through narrow Southern French streets and some times spend money in a boutique. 
The rich men's Petit Dejeuner in a Brasserie somewhere in the Outskirts. 

In Dubai he'll fly in using the Lounge at the departure airport, have a driver from the Hotel he keeps stressing especially when hitting the Dubai Mall, but the longest walk will be in the rooftop or open air restaurant having the latest dinner ever.... 

Me?  If I was rich I'd be in Sahel with a Crew hunting Boko Haram, because I don't do vacation. But I got Germans, instead. 

PS: The drivers watch?  Considering the hood it was tip otherwise there would be blood staines and someone like me might be around....on your possibly last trip not back to the airport, I guess.