Saturday 29 June 2024

Do you understand

what could happen in that smaking EM, if Germany looses by a wrongly given penalty goal? 
In their current mood?  They gonna fucking burn down my house, I just cannot move out of and Frankfurt right along with mass brawls in all of Berlin. 

In a few days possibly :
This is the BBC. To the first time since the end of Second World War the Royal British Parachute Regiment was ordered to jump into Frankfurt. 
The French Foreigne Ministry confirmed that the entire Foreigne Legion was ordered to take Berlin after the third consecutive day of civil unrest in all major German towns. 
Please, report missing relatives to the following number: triple six triple zero triple six, immediately. This is the BBC, pray for our troops. May they come home safely! 
....anthym....God save the King tralllalallaaa God save our gracious King traallalallallala trumpets.....