Monday 24 June 2024

Governor Schwarzenegger

Is no lobbiest. You might call him a fame whore, but that fits Regean, Trump and everyone in Las Vegas plus all Tank Top owners in California.
He has no stakes in any respect personally or by family ties into any industry. Not even the Supplements Industry like Jay Cutler or Watches like Sylvester Stalone. He gone for fame, be American and took from the American Dream path the dishwasher to millionaire route to be the perfect compromise for all. 
But as it is America he is the biggest possible equal. 
No one worse than him in Conan, no one bigger than him on Mr. Olympia, no one as untouchable by jokes about him and no one making as much jokes about himself, no one ever managing to doubt the Candidates rules. 
So, If anyone can create a decentralised grid for electricity, communication and transport than his crew. 
Be an Arny! Push it until you make it and don't fake it until they get you. 
I mean both of you Joe and Sylvie... 
PS: I keep threatening Putting so he ain bombing shit at home. 
#freeandbrave #travellermade #gonomads #thetracktofreedom