Friday 21 June 2024

Is that so?

NATO is Canonboat Diplomacy made in USA? 
I start wondering, if even the right wing nationalists found themselves stuck in a hole to deep for their own good having become the idiot cash cow for bad allies needed during the Cold War.
Stalinism shut down even small businesses and the car came in two colours. My enemies enemy is my friend and also moderate forces in the USA that was anyway becoming the world's powerhouse started collaborating with hardcore war criminals, drugged secret service staff and the greediest of the greedy businessmen. 
Everybody understands that we need reforms globally. The gap between rich and poor is bad an neither Sowjet Communism nor Western Capitalism have a solution. 
Both turn tyranny, but for the others. Party members have a privileged life and so rich in the credit business, but a good idea is worth shit everywhere no matter how globally important for mankind.
War was always the preferred solution to distract from system threats of a major scale. 
We have still most areas of importance to mankind on fire. Iraq is the cradle of human society, Jerusalem the most important town in Religion, Afghanistan part of the oldest trade route known to man, the Sahel and Sahara connected Europe with Black Africa and Latin America faces a continuous drug war from drugs mainly trasapassing. 
Our global system of human interaction fails us. 
The USA is a trade nation that never bombed it's competition out of business. America as a nation might be bad in competing with Chinese mass production in most other markets, but the Americans are not that nation USA, and the American individuals made America as a nation big. Today the nation kills individualism by trade laws, travell barriers and communication restrictions. 
Tight boarders and conflict are the principles of those enemies of the enemy that did not deserve another chance and there is a tiny chance that Trump coming into charge will leave NATO to solve an inner conflict leaving us alone in #TIE 