In reality this is the next Plague. The current overall situation is like back in the Dark Mid Ages, but on a global scale. A privileged minority lives of the poor and suppressed majority threatened by civil war or invasion.
Following this blogg you know the numbers, you know the Tyrann, you know the Rebell and you know the Victim.
Covid triggered mutation of all aspects from itself escaping immune reaction and vaccination, changes of drug testing rules, economic stability, wealthiest and most struggling nations, violence and war.
This is just the beginning; The first quarter of a change in mankind like settling or living in cities.
There will be Chaos worst were the biggest parasites against the poorest were striving most.
This is the last World War of the Dark Modernity. Mankind wins,we go New Renaissance, Mankind loses we are extinguished.
Our choice is set and locked. We are Provos.
No mission to difficult, No sacrifice to high. Death before dishonour.
#TIE #provos #terroristgangsters