Do you miserable pieces of shit in the BKA understand how many fuck ups, because you protect an anti-European, interest based system full of priviliges for few, are created that instead would come home and watch their dry place with all basics like a table, chair, bed, clothes and food to prise God that they were provided with life and all they need?
So, what are you?
PS: You read this and you are ligit or know someone who is and are not a Burda-BND false flag propaganda Ararat deal, than you go to the Ambassy, but of the USA and tell your case intending to immigrate. You wait for the background checks and await a hearing. Or you check which other Arabic speaking nation offeres work and integration help from Marokko to the Kingdom of Jordan, Iraq, Iran and The UAE to Turkmenistan and Georgia by no one else than the official real ligit Ambassy or General Main Consulate and you try more than one nation.
Or you are an idiot looking for other idiots
Use copy paste and what's app if you like someone to help fucking human trafficers