Tuesday 11 June 2024


That the Cathlik Church, written for any reason with a K and O, was no target for tyranny looking for a vehicle. 
The zölibat is one of these things... A short search in the net shows that apparently since 1139 Priests have to be unmarried. It sais also that it was a written in law in 1917. 
The role of the Pope in the Holocaust is an important topic in researching the Germans. The SS was also called the Black Order and among Nazis one katholik order stands out in interest which is the Jesuits not binded to personal poverty. 

Despite all pro or con propaganda from different parts within and without the Church there is some logic.

The Katholik Church is an organisation for humans based on equal values. In the very beginning the Fish was the main symbol among the very first building communities based on the same faith. This was under Emperial Roman state organised Slavery and symbol for the existence of miracles such as freedom from a far stretching brutally violent slave system and the strong face that would be achievable if you do for your loved ones the same you'd do for yourself right up to selfless ultimate sacrifice not giving in under commen torture. 

To the best of my knowledge the info I found on a German Katholik website about the concil of 1139 is wrong and being unmarried was only a requirement for the head of the organisation called The Pope. There were also some rules for Priests in terms of finances and knowledge seperting them from Monks put in place. 
This is about the time of the Crusades and also a time of unity in Europe based on prosperity by technological advances in agriculture. Humans developed fertiliser from animal and human excrement. Schools were build, Universities founded and copying books turned big business. 

With that the communities of those deeper in love with religion also grew and separated into Konvent called Kibuzzim or Kilchosen like Monk Order homes and Church houses from Chappel, Church to Kathedral managed by a Priest. 

Also, European society split into Aristocracy, Clerics and Citizens having quite different life styles. 

Non made it without deep open wounds from the beginning of Industrialisation to here, Global Digitalisation. 

And you are not helpful, calling it all a pile of shit.
Tell me...
I'd be LordBishop with a Lust Garden for what Arabs would call my Harem and the late most famous of those I'd be responsible for was called a bustard son of a household nanny done on a dining table publicly despite being married in love not politics to a crowned Queen and nuclear nation.