Saturday 29 June 2024

So Adrenalin an stupid

is bad. TheGermans watching an idiot consider the "thugs" the idiots. His German counter part Oliver Pocher is a star, while that fool managed to run into an MS 13 lower ranked officer in his break to ask him if he wants be attacked with an axe. 

So, who is the idiot, if the guy shows his rank by pulling of his T-shirt of an organisation that does cut humans regularly with an axe into parts as a normal business strategy to someone pretending to be funny?

This world is no peaceful happy place, because you got in charge by murder and lies to abuse your knew economic power for securing your hard drug supply. 

The side effects are about to hit back. 

If that MS13 real OG does one call the prankster will be found dead in his home and no one will be ever charged. 

Do you know what I mean by welcome to our turff, BKA?

You little fucks... 