Thursday 20 June 2024

So, G Vs Oohhh

O is defending a village. The village has no walls, but a well paved cross road and is surrounded by agricultural roads, hiking paths and tourist look outs.
That means fast roads, fast walk pathes and a lot of places with a great overview. 

First you evacuate the local residents, not only for historical reasons. 
Than Gillies are for hiding and not only Snipers. 
Communication and a map for everyone is more important than a shuffle. 
Every solder can run and sprint without a rucksack way longer than fully loaded. 

So, how far can each defender run having still a fine grouping defining where the supplies are placed and in which direction will the Gs be pulled to face an ambush. 
And war is to kill the intruder not to disperse him so he can loot, rape and murder anywhere else. Or what did you come for again?

#ticktack #dayY 

If the Germans murdered already hostages as they did in all previous wars. Call the Airforce. 

War Games have to be realistic. Like understanding the situation.