Monday 24 June 2024

So in the 90ies Cop Killer

was send to the KKK and LAPD, because the CIA and FBI both founded by Confeds actively destroyed the reputation of actually "mixed - race" borrows. Well, telling an Irish boy in love to get rid of both his Latino and Black girlfriends will cause some problems especially when on top chemicaly castrated junkies show up and do drug business on your block. 
Just one thing did not happen. We did not bitch around with fucking anyone, like them here.
Now, the personal problem I and many like me have is that your Clown Pranksters did not communicate the triggered reaction. All got a price and shooting them stupids dead ain coming for free neither. 
Are you expanding to Police or into the hood trying to figure who pulls quicker?
#provos #theothershitwegottadealwith