Monday, 3 June 2024

So, that Bandit aim no Tussy match

Like this guy and her won't match. For a deep love relationship and many kids, is true. 
Now imagine this guy piling up on his stereo type 80ies pornstar mustache and his left wing alternative attitude by daily showers with good soap, shampoo and conditioners on his short hair with some nice, fine sublime perfume and a punk rock vintage jeans all holes trousers, fine all clean Vans, that cap and changing vintage band shirts from The Greatfull Dead to Dark Metall Festival Never Heard off somewhere, her in the casual lean back, but all glam make-up and easy walking shoes outfit to underline the contrast of hanging out in an Amsterdam Coffee Shop for Coffee, Cake by synthesis music like French Chansons....planing their next coup... 

Do you know what I mean? 

Join the Cyberpunk turff and go fuck the system, because sex is great, but....