Sunday 30 June 2024

So, what's Max Headroom of Harvard

Gonna do?  There are three options.  The West, BRIS or inberween. In war times all turns one sided.
Depending on who his real audience is depending on which money he influences he is or will become subject of interest for secret service analytics fighting the war economicaly. 
During his summery of the research of his analysts team, that can easily earn each 100k tops in Manhatten, The City or Hong Kong, he compares interestingly and proofing to understand the topic the Panama Channel and Cape of Africa passing cargo. 
So, what is he gonna do?
Take short term bets against Western focused logistics companies staying all home and local?  Check value and go long or very long in? Does he invest into BRICS moving assets to the Hong Kong stock exchange? Or finally does he see, as fucking I did years ago, that a lot of that 80% increase will be way faster travelling cross continent at about the level of the Green Belt Initiative which happens to be both a para-military war ground and the most to be developed region world wide with a few million habitants in need of a ride as as grounded Nomads as me little fella being. 
The West has train systems both brand new and used, trucks of all sizes same way and no TÜV and turns cargo ships into empty Paris and Amsterdam rental homes having libraries of rules and laws that don't even apply for all equally of which our Provos lives is dirty ugly proof on treason death row level. 
They just kill you, if you kill them or profit with you if you profit there, but have no slaves. 
Many in Langley, London, Moscow and Pullach watch.... 
