Thursday, 13 June 2024

Some is going on in London

This is a bit too much going on to be not part of a bigger thing. 
Yet, as London is, it does not have to be directly connected. 
London is very special in Europe. Only, the Dutch Sprawl of Rotherham to Amsterdam in the Netherlands is comparable in diversity. 
Both are trade nations in a different meaning of nation than used today. Their state of existence, interaction and living is ruled, created and formed by trade. 
European Nomads formed both areas in strong support of all other Nomads and the locals over millenias and not centuries. 
When I walk over the walls of Akko than I can feel the ironshirt of my ancestors echoing on each step I make. When I move through London or Holland I pray for peace to one day realy live... again in a free Europe. 
Akko has a church that is also a mosque, London and Holland are as hybrid in every espect. Hitting a Burger Place in any of them the guy infront in every place can be a clean homeless, a rich banker, a striding tourist or a vice dealer. 
These areas always have been different from other parts of Europe and while in Palermo only some street signs in Hebrew, Arabic and Latin letters remind of a time we ruled ourselves sober with and for each other, both London and Holland still are European in their soul.
Shoot to kill Aliens. We come to get the survivors. Your strongest, innit? 
#provos a #IRAmovement force of #independentcells 
I am IronClad The Goblin and I will kill Germans. BKA and Hells Angel MC aliens to humanity and my human rights such as intellectual property rights.