Wednesday 19 June 2024

The digitalisation real issue

Is not really the hardware. Low cost computers can do a lot already and even a starter wire Internet connection can get you far, especially if you add patience.

The problem is the data. The whole point of digitalisation is data. How much does a BlueRay cost, a Netflix abonement, Video games, music albums, books, online courses, an Office Software?

Most has free until profit alternatives. 

I am a McGuyver that does not throw away an old Windows PC, designed to slow down over time despite consumer protection laws, because I'll get it running again as soon as more cash comes in, but I had myself locked up into the library with a flash light naturaly night active rebell I am when others sleeped passed out on downers against their day pushers.
Saying, no, was easy growing up in a pretty dam illegal virtual KZ system as an oprhan training to one day pay back the pain. 


Train your algorithm by what you click of what you searched training your mind. The best costs balls making balls so big you better hide them....until. 

#jedi #trainbodyandmind #dogoodwheneveryoucan