Monday 17 June 2024

The nuclear arsenal is no insurance

it is nightmare liability. Costs are extremely high from building to maintenance to securing the weapon system. 
The soldiers protecting and operating them are risking long term health damage due to the most radioactive and for weight reasons badly covered material known to men. 
A stolen warhead or just part of the system is a nightmare as much as a Government of any nation loosing control of any such system by terrorism or even vote on the polls. 
No war can be won with nuclear weapons which is why they are considered part of a threat strategy against attacks. 
Or in short: You are irresponsible selfish asaholes.
Prove me wrong or we kill you. 

Anarchy was the ligid rule of Europe's nomadic people The Traveller or Travelling People. Today Skipzems and Ziehgauner rule having murdered in wars they did not even overlook from a hilltop despite get their hands full of blood. 

The Capitol can be stormed, a Queen visited in her private Chambers and you can all die,  but not made thinking despite believing. I am not Charly Chaplin. I am IronClad The Goblin. 

#proves #IRAmovement