Sunday, 2 June 2024

These models turn inaccurate

after calculating more than three days. From there on for about three weeks the median values of them is quite accurate and after that three to six weeks a stock market like 200 days line on the median gives a picture of likelihood, yet inadequate for a forecast to plan a wedding  but usable in agriculture. 
If the median line fails climate change is methametically proofen, because the models all base their results on the continuity of past values adding adjustingly latest values. Therfore, it would mean a break in the historic continuation of values. 
This would be also the evolutionary climate jump I explained was possible in exponential climate change aka climate mutation. 
So, Second Small Ice Age, European Rainlands or Hot and Humid?

Don't worry, will find out. 

Just that war, we can't stop. #WW4 #gangwars #gfyCIA