Friday, 14 June 2024

Trump and English Vs TheGermams

Trump sais (quote out of context): 
"We had no attacks, We did not had a World Trade Center, We did not had the attacks that you have seen and certainly not in other countries."
So, The Idiot is completely off. The other guy almost hits it based on that part taken out of context. 
The Idiot turns this into 911 being a Hoax. The guy with English at school turns it into that the 911 attacks were not during Trumps tenure in the Oval Office which might be a Bulls Eye, if the rest confirms his presidency as the Subject of the speech. 

Germans speak in all languages very rule based following a specific way of constructing statements in their phrases. Object and Subject of an information creating a statement have to be in a certain order or they miss the statement. 

There is no way that a German mind will connect the last part of Trumps phrase with a message to the audience as much as The Germans laughed most on Rumsfelds Known Unknowns. 

Trump speaks to an audience and just does not say We have not had anywhere else attacks like 911 using abstraction to stress how horrific for Americans these attacks were. Like Joe Six-Pack sitting in his Trailer watching CNN saying "This does not happen right now"  to confirm on FOX News that it's time to stock pile more ammo...