Monday, 24 June 2024

Underground wars kicking off

Lithium batteries can explode. The Mossad claimed responsibility for some kills by blowing up batteries of manipulated mobile phones after giving the victim a call. 
Battery cars are also supposed to be the next big thing in The West. 
Batteries are already very important globally.
Some will turn the source material trade of batteries into the next Blood Diamond trade which is why already noone mentions anymore that most soils are African soils needed in battery production. 
And accidents happen. 

If that was a sabotage act than I wonder why 20 workers were also killed. The Bad will do it to spread mayhem taking the accident during work legend as an excuse. The Greedy will also make sure the brains are dead to take down competition beyond the machines and in an Underground War Captain Price might have run into the bodyguards of James Bond's Villain in order to stop Brain from producing bombs covered as batteries. 

What really happened?
Do you trust The Sun?????


PS: I trust our economy that investigating deeper is less profitable than publishing some pictures in every respect.