Sunday, 16 June 2024

Why I ain no diplomat

So Selenski sais apparently he wants nuclear security and food security in a meeting with guys in no need for ego boosters like Cokaine just like me and I start interrupting understanding in detail what a nuclear war means like:

So. Aahm. Mr Selenski President Of Ukraine Ahm I understand food security and that you want to express that the Ukrainian people in these difficult times have to eat, but so aahm in context than I am curious so what do you exactly mean by nuclear security, please, Mr President. 
And could the American representatives confirm that all NATO ballistic warheads are still where according to the Nuclear Treaties so am supposes to be. 
... Nervously going through all broken treaties....sweating for an answer on the forehead... 

That would be funny right?  You motherfuckers - on CNN, The King of Bavaria live having arrived from New Schwanstein Summer Residence having taken Quarter in his Zürich Residence to take part in the Summit in person being visibly concerned about the situation and pending threat of a nuclear escalation. 

First of all that tiny monster in Disney Land is the copy, you morons, and secondly am I not as ridiculous as this castle we build in Bavaria? Haaaaa??? 

And this is also a castle we build. We just called it a Fortress. So, Scizofuckingphrenia was a well respected attitude until you showed up. Nazis. 

Death before dishonour. I will never be German!!!