Hans Martin The Beamer, a Toxic Shamane in his covered Sith Cult Temple.
One day, after a long vacation way south he came back and found his spiritual source destroyed.
Someone had opened the roof to let both sunlight and rain in. Opened the sides to allow an airflow. Build several floors tripling the surface, build a several water posts containing system, feeded by rain water with a drainage the birds washed themselves in, created dedicated feeding spots and four Ai driven wheel tank like vehicles were cruising to clean the floor 24/7 collecting the dung to one place.
The stroke that killed him put a face of pain onto his so hard fear striking face. It took him minutes in pure pain to pass starting when on the sound of La Couracha eggs were collected by a different set of rooooboooots.
#gfyFreeWorld #reasonswhyiampoorasfuck