Saturday 27 July 2024

Real Trouble Starts

When Dealer and Junkies solidarise in violence... 

You got taken your gear second time know Martin? 
Yes. They have a knife. 
Do you know what you want to bring to a knife fight? 
Mh Mh. 
A gun like this fine 9 millimeter Mexican Pistol. As much as your two loads and ammo is no problem, if you should run out of. 
Ah. Two please. 
You are Djungo now? 
No, but I have a girl friend.
Ohhh. Real romance. 

You think that ain happening, like there is no real bad corrupting among your own and only you can proof that within your system turns you untouchable? 
#ticktack #howhardisyourdelusion #provos