Monday 29 July 2024

Tuareg taken out Warner Mercs

Big P. I warned you and I will keep doing so to have those nations off BRISC off limits for UN politics. 
You now take a map and explaine to yourself how a line in a desert ocean makes any sense to anyone else but an administrative asshole of an idiot obviously far far away from the dunes in an alien galaxy. 
The Tuareg are another people like the Kurds facing imaginary lines over their homes and all those capable of building roads and railways also build check points on those roads ignoring their home and rules.
Roads, like the Trans Sahara High Way are creating peace by enabling prosperity for a people in all righteousness proud to have united Africa with Europe and Asia by trade through incredible large distances and difficult terrain. 
Crossing with a heard of animals formed into a convoy through the Sahara is like crossing the Ocean on one level as Columbus and Magelan. 
Foreign soldiers and all humans in arms either help protecting trade and transport or are alien and will be treated as such by the locals. 
This is no area for easy diplomacy, because no nation has any ligit boarder representing naturally grown boarders by languages or religion and way of live. 
In the same way and on the same legal grounds as the Russian people and not the CIA have right on in Russian soil and Russia keeps the Russian speaking Krimea Peninsula...and I do not have to finish that phrase me boy. 
A bomb at Wagner HQ? Who could... 