Noone had build any passenger plane capable of taking on a human like that off the cargo bay in a box.
Therefore the Judges or High Priests of the Bodybuilder Guild that earned millions on Shadowrunners, Mercenaries and Corporate Security beside some Office Players into looks over Secretary actions send a team of trusties with a rotating platform and a portable high resolution 3D laser scanner.
Me? OH. Someone had murdered the Trusties and Guild cash is Gold Nuggets and dead easier than alive.
So... That is a big fella... but where would that motherfucker hide 2.90 meters and 275 kilos with a 160cm should...did I just read thaa... he looks smaller on... oh. Background On switch ... OK, he was about to move out anyway...
...two weeks later after a hint from a UPS hack on extreme supplement deliveries crusing the area of the postal drop box with my armoured hot hatch...
Positive to the left. Let's wait until something moves.