Thursday 1 August 2024

How French was raped

I just read on France24 the expression "Un pas important" and it is supposed to mean "an important"
The problem is that in French "ne ... pas" is a form to build a denial, saying no, a negative phrase like "ne important pas" for not important. 
The Germanisation driven by Secret Service influence killed the in French extreme context related use of words within the media and politics. The Nazis I the meaning of Germans covering as French in influential positions of society declare a difference of spoken and written French to a level that Nazi French cannot be understood anymore by real French speakers. Aliens rule that country. 
Actually, the phrase putting pas there is a slopy way of building not important like a real French would answer in short with pas any "do you want" question not finishng the phrase like "pas matenant" (not now) that a Nazi aka Broche would strictly answer with No. 

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