Friday 23 August 2024

The Origins of the Order

Spartans turned Beowulf.

Through the gates of the world to an Island far north, but I forgot from which Nordic legend that is.
Spartans made it to Ireland by passing through the Street of Gibraltar and further following the Atlantic Stream that brought throughout thousands of years thousands of daredevil refugees to Ireland, invisible from France and hard to reach through the ruff Irish Sea, while the West Coast is sunny and welcoming catching the Stream of the Atlantic coming from Portugal. 
The Romans did know Scotsmen, but Ireland was turned into the until today existing myth of Atlantis.
Nowhere were humans longer free than in Ireland. 

The problem with the Beowulf Poem text, the oldest existing known text in Old-English or Old-Gallic, is that it is as complex and old as the Hebrew or Old-Greek of the Old Testament haveing few words all relative to the position in the text, but way less references created over time.

HWÆT:  WE GAR-DENA IN GEARDAGUM. þeodcyninga þrym gefrunon. Hu ða æþelingasellen fremedon! Oft Scyld Scefingsceaþena þreatum

Without knowing the pronunciation all translations tell you more about the translator than about the writer. 

However, there must have been a library and therefore school creating books which is exactly what an Order does. 
Trainin body and mind in a community. Most of Central Europe was brought the first Bible by Irish Travelling and defenceible Monks. All areas they came to already have heard and knew about the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, but by Preachers and no Book.

Rose Crusaders were established way later with the House of Iblin taking on Orphans especially and were closest to the Maltese Order being minded for being close to the Arabs and Moslems. 
The House of Iblin seized existing officialy by surrendering Jerusalem and therefore the County Iblin to the Arabs.
The worst enemy back than was the Order of The Tectonic Knights that we accused of having causes the Crusades and their later actions against the Pols proofed us right. They brought no Bible, but only murder and pain calling it Christianisation. 
Later the Jesuits turned enemy to the Cappuccin Order crated by ancestors of that Temple Order Devision who also strongest collaborated with the Tectonic Order reestablished by founding the Waffen-SS using Cocaine instead of masturbation when God reminded of the Inherited Sinn by pain to be turned into guilty pleasure. 

Like killing when a Templer takes a life to protect or having found an unbeliever.

The only thing that stayed the very consistent same throughout time is that the worst hate us most of all to hate and we never mind their billows until we can kill them.