Tuesday 27 August 2024

What really happened?

Let's assume I am right and the German Mafia, being a GeStaPo Clan, operates as BKA StaatsSchutz and BND. 
Than, I was an Underground KingPin that helped to destroy all of their Amphetamine Derivate production, because they crossed me. 
Than furthermore, they also had existing contracts for these substances with CIA affiliated organisations such as the IS.
If all of that is not just a really cool plot for a hardcore Dark Sci-Fi Netflix show that plays my music on heavy rotation so I get rich over again medication, some IS diplomat negotiates now having himself "handed over".
#gangwars #provos 
#fuckingjerusalem #allandnothing 

Smoke anyone? A fine Rum in a tumbler and some Blues? 

And no vids?  Vids are done of weirdos by bystanders and not in hyper aggressive war zones of Killers, Knights, Mujahedin or
Martyrers. Just try to watch IronClad the movie and that is not real.
If I have my fists beating into a Police skull to kill him no civilian will pull a mobile. Granted. 
IS killers are the very same in aggressive hate against their enemy as soon as triggered. 
So are Kartell Sicarios. 
So are Afghan Taliban
So was Helmand Province and Faludjah. 
So is real war.