Thursday 29 August 2024

What you think?

Is he one of those "Who is that knew guy?" guys? 
About 13 years past that one girl you always remember having a new hotshot man aside made a mate insist to have me come along to that Clique hanging out at a local fuel station. Turned out that I apparently 13 years ago have had called her "a slut".
Being me, surrounded by primates, all on fuel station cam, but the only guy realising that little fact, had no other chance to be like: "I don't know. I was 15. Did I? Than I am sorry and want to apologise" keeping my hands in the pockets of no baggy pants nomore to find myself walking over to her asking for pardon, if I ever said that, in which ever situation. 
Gladly, I was free to go. 
I fucking hate you and knew back than taking caaaaaaare of ya won't be fun...