I don't even blame his people for that, they just were the first that fell for it when Industrialisation started to change mankind by also Virus such as the Spanish Flu.
I blame you for your arrogance.
Germany was supposed to be the spot for a direct WW3 confrontation of the largest military forces the world ever saw. The damage would have cracked the Planet into an Asteroidbelt and the leaders on all sides were as arrogant as your people cultivates it.
You turned being an ignorant asshole into a practical religious cult.
So did American Confederate Kapitalists and Sowjet Salinist Kommunists.
Gunfire is normal. A gun is a piece of metal and composite materials.
Hammering is normal. A Hammer is a piece of metal and composite materials.
Both are tools. Both need training. Both do nothing without a human hand and human decision.
Germans are no different than Mexicans or South Africans or Americans and who now thinks "But we are" does not understand relativity and context and interconnections and syntax and algorithms and mechanical effects and got stuck in a time before Aristotele defeated Plato while the people of Athens were listening on how to live in Greece.
Plato never got his ideal state in the Antique.
Todays Nations were established by millions murdered.
We will kill you to get our native way of life back, Nationalists.
IRA Movement
As long men die, the time of greed will be overcome!