Friday, 20 September 2024

A Hypotheses on The Violence Wave

The phenomenon is spreading. The same people that missused the word "phenomenon" for e.g. Mia Khalifa will be able to just move away onto a Yacht even so having atleast indirect responsibility for this downfall. 
We kept telling you!! 
Now the rest turned the same human trash as we always were. Oli turns one of us. Sad, doing what he can and certainly being judged about instead of supported on all what's common ground. 
There is no research about what triggeres these humans. Being Syrian is a bit short based on history length and just the Syrian Cuisine. Who eats like that cannot be a bad person and I understand that I am very Franc in that manner. 
Stop laughing and think about it, because it's a primal instinct. With whom you ever all enjoyed the meal would you fight? As soon as just one ignores the food and drink it can get dangerous, that's why the Real Mafia dines with you before trusting you. 
There are several factors that come into play. 
Sociologic Upbringing. Who is that man and how did he grew up.
Character. What does he truly believe in and what are his set principles.
Situation. Is he treated fair or unfair.
Expectations. Has he found what he was looking for. 
But in this crisis there are more aspects to it and that's those that changed:
Did Corona have had an impact on his biochemics or brain? 
He is drugged without understanding that it is a drug? 
Did the mRNA vaccine have an untested impact that can trigger anger? 

I am sure that in the same way a huge corporation that produces a product that has major impact on the climate will not call up breweries and distilleries, offshore fish farming and windpower companies to adjust the business model, Germany build by exNazis and their besties would never admit that a NiggerJew was right and it got worse than they ever expected, because it also mean that nor cancer, but their lifestyle is the desease and the hard cure the cancer.

You are dying, BKA, aren't you?  Muscleloss, fatigunes, cancer... you come again to drug me with psychopharma you know I"ll take down even GSG9, hold town and kill all, each and everyone you sent into my Hell's Kitchen The Valley.

I am just a bit sad and that's horrible. How much hate you taught me.... 

Never again. 

#TIE #provos 

The Kingdom of Hell