Friday, 20 September 2024

And if someone in 24

keeps running into religion to get his actions in life sorted, he is a problem. 
But one that looks for a solution. 

And on this mountain you will build my Church, Petrus 
....2000 years later in a remote subsidery...
What did you sinn again?
I did steal 
Do you feel guilty about it, this time? 
Yes. But still not last time. 
Another three Ave Maria for the last time part and what did you steal this time? 
Car parts 
For the car you've stolen to steal what you still don't regret? 
So, why do regret stealing that?
I've stolen more. 
How much more? 
A lot. 
Do you ever considered becoming a car mechanic?
I am and have a lot of bombinis. 
So than, we stick to the Ave Marias for now and cut down on the stealing.
I try. 

Don Camillo 
Live and let live...