Tuesday 24 September 2024

And what really makes you rich?

The short answer is: Credit 
This is because our monetary system is based on money based on interest rates and that is called Credit. 
The long answer is that you don't wanna be rich, but possibly wealthy. Rich is a term put into relation in the Bible as a state that excludes from getting into Heaven while the wealthy Samaritan is a Saint, which is kinda the VIP ticket to Heaven. 
Beside religious faith there is a philosophy in this difference that reflects a mind set difference between, in an extreme example, the rich Clan of The Porsche Family founded in terms of finances by Ferdinand Porsche taking an active role in the Holocaust on its lowest points, in opposite to the Swabian Fugger that were arguably the wealthiest Clan in human history on this side of the planet by even building entire town quarter for those working for them.
Both are in possetion of a lot of financial assets, but only one is for a good reason.
Today, even single human on the Forbs list has an outstanding Credit rating able to spend millions with a call to a bank creating even more money in the system. Jeff Bezoz won't have sold one share of Amazon to finance any of his Superyachts, but instead managed to increase the amount of money by the price of them plus interest rate, if he manges to pay of his obligation to his bank. 
The Fugger needed to actualy digg Gold or buy Gold or Silver by organising digging, trade and production in order to create more money and they had their own currency instead of Jeff. 
And I am not sure if someone with a Harvard degree really understands... 