Saturday 28 September 2024

Deutsche did not manipulate

their smart integration tool. They are just dumb motherfuckers. 
If you want to know what that tool does today, than check the Messerinzidenz Website that is somewhere outthere. 
Germans lie and thereby are incredibly attracted by the all well dresses US dominated posh marketing world. They just can't handle the drugs and buzz word impact hitting their supremacist brains simultaneously. Too much.
Too Much Information, is an abbreviation I did not use anymore since I stopped hanging out with Germans and by that having noone to tell anymore to keep inappropriate Intel to fucking themselves by a deflection strategy.
Why would rate my poo before a dinner with buddies be not funny?
Why would I not want to know about the ass size of the HR girl? 
Why would I want to know... "Hey, you are staring again. Do you wanna walk over to her?" "I was staring???!!! DAM! I think I better go home, I drank too much, Bye!!".... running Forrest mode activated... 
#igotstuck #TheGermans