Tuesday 24 September 2024

Germanisation by infringement

The right to bear arms may not be infringed... 
...does not mean you may scare someone with your arm. 
Therefore any law about guns is no infringement, is of the German School of Law. The one that build legally KZs and publishes school history books that Gdanzk was founded by Germans until today.

The right to bear arms comes with duties, as every right, but all laws are limiting the right to own and have arms created by the constant low level gun discussion and do not define duties such secure storage, training and safety, each directly infringes the right to bear arms by defining which to have and own in general terms. 
This is not the American School of Law based on the founding Fathers, that is directly deriving from an underground war that also founded the CIA, created the Vietnam War Draft or declared Rap music Black music by breaking the law of all men being equal yet manifestating a race theory by media repetition.

Get it? 

#WW4 #gangwars 

I give you an example, obviously of my kind. 
I turned legal US citizen. I go on a boys night out hitting the Pub and I will get drunk. Most likely piss drunk. I won't abuse my rights and carry my big ass all black 1811 ACP without a magazine loaded and have safety on and no bullet chamberd. The three mags are in my belt holster next to the gun.
You don't touch my gun and I won't drink enough that you can. I also can't accidentaly fire the gun. Loading the mag just won't happen as soon as alcohol turned me stupid enough, but I will point my gun and mags to the Concerned Citizen all sober protecting that countryside fuel station on Saturday late night by pointing at it lifting my baggy hoody while taking cover behind someones car. 
Let me be a Hero, not stuck