Monday 23 September 2024

He drops inbetween a

hardcore Nazi quote he must have picked up somewhere in his network called hierarchy. We loos some bodies of the people. 
On his level they swim along finding out to late that humans like me demand others to atleast stand down when it goes all too criminal. 
Cought along, hang along and we stick to it as you do to your ways. 
Somewhere towards the Hoecke fraction and old Nazi Clans operating within society and especially Secret Services they gave up once more on parts of the Germans and thereby most likely also some territories. 
The Dark Zones will get bigger, more and more Light Yells once will arise as they also exist in Franko hit Spain and Broche tyranised France yet way of Chauchescu Romania that still did not recover. 
The center of Demokrates has taken a hit and who manages to survive in a Dark Zone or Light Yell area will be Autokratik in most of his decisions.
There is no mass dying as I saw in my dreams, yet, and that means that the existing centers will get way more crowded and by the violence wave create more of a likelihood of mass violence by random triggeres in a society that has by its leaders on stage no plan what so ever to create growth again. 
Where ever business is stable and ideally savings have been created that last, having taken only a marginal hit, life will be harder and more worrisome, but they might make it through, if the street war hardened from the anti-social all drugged places don't make it to the than New Jews, yet not facing SS Totenkopf Tanks, but small armed KSK and SEK like units. Bad Shadowrunners looking for cash'n'blinbling.
So, who likes to kill assholes?? Who hears the call to Shadowhunt in Shadowrunns?
You'll have the turff, soon. The geographicaly most challenging battle ground, full of angry assholes, in all conflict, surrounded by stockpiled industrial products and even more factory build trash, a region Knom Phen would ask for Drum Mags. 
Partisanos, Freedom Fighters, when you wonder where the Bandits went - soon
the meanest prick on earth when hurt too hard. The Last Knight of The Francs Wulfs Rosecrusaders
#terroristgangs #WW4 Here we fight!! #TIE

Your Order for our Symbols. All has a Price, Tectonic Thievemurder Order. All!!!