Friday 27 September 2024

He pointed it out

This guy just said, the guy fitting into the Corporate Coltoure will get the job over the Genious.
Survival of the fittest turned sour in The West. From a rather Anarchist society with communication on horse back, but independent (autocratic in Old Greek) states, Feudalism made its way back into society and mind sets by blunt wars on all levels.
Obviously, a blond, rather simple minded guy who loves to trash talk turns millionaire. 
Obviously, a well mannered man from a deeply routed local background with the right mind set succeeds economicaly.
Yet, the overall system is failing, because the overal coltoure build by many individual coltoures only allowed actively succeeding only those fitting over the best. 
This system was entirely taken over by the 60ies by GeStaPo being outlaw Secret Services powerful enough to leave no evidence or proof of their crimes, cheating the system and even the worst industrialists murdering kept their wealth.
Braun in NASA and attacks against DeGaule. War against Algeria and in Vietnam. Bavaria as no independent nation and SS men walking free next to their NSDAP friends and KZ industry factory owners.
Everybody knows, but nobody did anything. 
By now the Mata Mind Set is already off. Not one single statement of The British Royals against the violant riots, not one single plan for economic boost in Germany and the French President stated their shell be no war in The Lebanon. 
Volkswagen has not one single car for 3rd World markets and the cheapest EU company builds are still hardly suitable for a run down Toyota Pick-Up world where everyone wants one, but there are just not enough around. 
Therefore, a man with average IQ, but a perfect haircut knowing what to say turned one of the most important investor "Sharks" (a Koy compered to Drug money bankers) and an all broke little know it all is getting ready to fight of mental hospital tenure by brutal, leatheal violence against real Police having a brown face in summer and white in winter being from a forgotten people while Police was build from SS men.
So, let's get it on. 
#TIE Here we fight!